Luxury Delux Chicken Thingy

Chicken Tractor

I few years ago my son and I built this chook shed “chook house” thingy together. It was a bit bulky and needed bigger wheels to move around the property effectively.  What surprised me was how many people wanted it when I put it up on Facebook Market Place.  I have always thought that if… Continue reading Luxury Delux Chicken Thingy

Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw,

So if I have an aspiration for 2017 it’s to plant Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw, at Havilah House. There is a particular variety of lime that Steve Childs told me about which I would like to get. As for the passionfruit I have started planting these in 2017, and have… Continue reading Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw,

Havilah House Plans

A collection of Havilah House plans. Havilah House Plan – September 2010 (PDF) 3.2 MB Havilah House Plan – JPG (JPG)  290 KB Havilah House Plan – TIFF (TIFF) 2.8 MB Property Drawings – 1975 [pdf-embedder url=””]

Can you really live off 1.5 acres?  The Market Gardner: Jean-Martin Fortier

We thought that this year we would make the effort and attend the Mother Earth News Fair of 2015, on the 8th & 9th of August in West Bend, Wisconsin.  (we currently subscribe to the magazine Mother Earth News One of the people that I wanted to see was Jean-Martin Fortier. He is a chap… Continue reading Can you really live off 1.5 acres?  The Market Gardner: Jean-Martin Fortier