Photovoltaic Solar Power Journey: Installation

My electricity bill for the past 3 perhaps 4 years has been about $700 a quarter, ( thats $175 dollars each month),  a lot of money for warm baths and TV.

We’re a large family of 6 and looking at the website usage estimate $700 seems reasonable for a fridge, swimming pool pump, 5 bedroom home with electric hot water so I had little choice given that ongoing warnings the electricity supply costs are set to increase manually.

Installers Planning the Solar Install

Installers measuring up

The system I choose was provided by Tru Value Solar (TVS) they seem to have a good reputation, and each time I called them that had a different Investor on offer, and the longer I left my purchase the cheaper the overall cost. There were incentives and grants which I missed out on (I think) and my system cost me $3999, however on a 36 month installment plan it works out at a few dollars short of $5000 which spread over 36 months is about $64 dollars a fortnight.

So I left the installers at home to do their thing and I must say I was very impressed with the whole installation when they called me to say it was complete.

Bosh Inverter alongside Distribution Board

The Bosch’s BPT-S 4.6 alongside my existing distribution board

Distribution Board before PV Solar

Above, my distribution board before installing PV Solar

Photovolataic Installation Complete

This is the complete install, I am quite happy with what I got, but its not quite yet complete at this stage, it gets connected on the 9th of February 2016.

Completed Solar Install

So that the first part of my install, I will let you know how it goes in a month or two.

Before I forget here is the type of Panel I’m using with this Solar Panel Setup.

Hanwha Solar HSL60P6-PC-1-260

Hanwha Solar HSL60P6-PC-1-260

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