An Example of Elastic Home Living, (MVP) Minimum Viable Product

Congratulation to this young family who built and moved into a Tiny House in South Australia.  (It’s great to have your space on you parents property to settle on.) Their concept this is quite similar to what I imagine an Elastic Home to be like, (except that the modular elastic homes I’ve been thinking about… Continue reading An Example of Elastic Home Living, (MVP) Minimum Viable Product

Views of Havilah House

I’m quite fortunate to live on 2 acres, this home has so much potential, I am pleased the I cleared out much of the garden and made it easier to manage however I do regret cutting and clearing some of the trees and shrubs, most notable the frangipani tree. and the agapanthus, the tree ferns… Continue reading Views of Havilah House

Luxury Delux Chicken Thingy

Chicken Tractor

I few years ago my son and I built this chook shed “chook house” thingy together. It was a bit bulky and needed bigger wheels to move around the property effectively.  What surprised me was how many people wanted it when I put it up on Facebook Market Place.  I have always thought that if… Continue reading Luxury Delux Chicken Thingy

Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw,

So if I have an aspiration for 2017 it’s to plant Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw, at Havilah House. There is a particular variety of lime that Steve Childs told me about which I would like to get. As for the passionfruit I have started planting these in 2017, and have… Continue reading Avocado, Bannana, Blue Berries, Lime, Passion Fruit and Paw Paw,

Havilah House Plans

A collection of Havilah House plans. Havilah House Plan – September 2010 (PDF) 3.2 MB Havilah House Plan – JPG (JPG)  290 KB Havilah House Plan – TIFF (TIFF) 2.8 MB Property Drawings – 1975 [pdf-embedder url=””]