Planting Fruit Trees 2020


This year more than any other we’ve have started plating fruit trees. I regret not beginning to plant fruit trees when we first moved to this property in 2003, as the saying goes “Today is the the next best time to plant a Tree.

We hope plant at least one perhaps two trees every fortnight so will add 26 or 52 trees a year to the garden.  

Will the garden be able to sustain that many trees? Yes, I reckon so, and a lot more after that.

It’s worth noting that I have planted a number of other types tree over the last 10 year or so but nothing like I could have done, and most certainly should have done 18 years ago. 

As it’s the last day of 2020 I thought we would share our progress so far.


Fruit Trees 2019 IMG 6864

Lime Tree

Fruit Tress 2019 IMG 6875

Paw Paw Trees

Fruit Trees 2019 IMG 6869


Lemon Tree

Fruit Trees 2019 IMG 6863

Avocado Tree

Fruit Trees 2019 IMG 6861

Fig Tree


So once I complete this note Lyd and I will be off to the local store to buy a few more.  …. so back again after a visit to the Peachester Fruit shop where we got a a few African Flame Lillies and lovely Black Mulberry  tree,  and from Frouloffs we bought a coffee tree, and from the CO-OP I bought a variety of Mealies, Sweet Corn seeds and a Chillie bus, and finally from ALDI some Basin all of which I have planted today.  The Fox aka Troy kindly have us some purple granadilla’s so I cut five up and planted them as well. I also planted some ginger. We still have a few more days of rain so they will get plenty of water.  I will throw up a few more photos when I get a moment.

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