Considering Another Cabin

I’ve really enjoyed building my cabin which was started at the start for Covid nonsense and which I finished and being enjoying for quite a long time now. These are the best of the photos that explain how it was made to remind me how I’d like to go about building another. This time however … Read more

Bake your own Bricks (make your own money)

 The humble brick played a significant role in the history of money and commerce. The use of bricks as currency dates back to ancient civilizations, particularly in Mesopotamia and Egypt, where they were known as “shekels” or “deben.” Here’s how it worked: Standardization: Bricks were produced in standardized sizes and weights, making them easily tradable … Read more

Catherine’s Greenhouse

Catherine Geenhouse

Catherines room was filled with so many plants that I offered to build her a greenhouse. I positioned near the mango tree for additional shade to benefit from the very pleasant micro climate under the tree. It turned ok, but need more potting and storage tables.


Unfinished Cabin

We love having family and friends visit and to accommodate the overflow of occasional guests I’ve built a small comfortable cabin on the property. We on 2 acres of land alongside a small creek. We are close to the Glasshouse Mountains, town, railway station, schools, and shopping centre. Facilities Available. Distances 2 km – Beerwah … Read more

Gardening with a Jackhammer

Use a jackhammer if you must but by which ever means possible plant trees, shrubs, vines, flowers grasses and plant them everywhere and anywhere. If you are have rocky soil, then use a jackhammer to dig the holes but whatever you do plant and grow because it’s one God way of providing plenty resources to … Read more

Camping and Clamping

Thoughts about Camping and Glamping I’ve been working steadily towards offering bits of our home / garden to Travellers, Campers Glampers etc. Thoughts / Ideas Electricity Grid / Circuit / Circle along the perimeter A friend of mine suggested setting ups an electricity grid / circle along the perimeter, this would make it easier for … Read more

Carburetor Clean Up

My engine starts very easily and runs very smoothly and has plenty of power! So what’s the problem? The problem it that after it starts and after I rev or drive it for a short time the idle speed goes up and runs way too fast, probably about 2000 RPM. I went to a car show … Read more

Suppliers Materials Cost

Current Timber Prices Bunnings – Thursday, 27 October 2022 200 x 50 x 1.8m –  $14.2200 x 50 X 3.0. – 200 x 100mm x 2.4m Treated Pine Sleeper H4  – $39200 x 75mm x 1.8m Sleeper  – $23100 x 100mm x 2.4m Post H4 Treated Pine – $22100 x 100mm x 2.7m Post H4 Treated … Read more