Bake your own Bricks (make your own money)

 The humble brick played a significant role in the history of money and commerce. The use of bricks as currency dates back to ancient civilizations, particularly in Mesopotamia and Egypt, where they were known as “shekels” or “deben.” Here’s how it worked:

  • Standardization: Bricks were produced in standardized sizes and weights, making them easily tradable and exchangeable.
  • Durability: Made from clay and baked in kilns, bricks were durable and could withstand the test of time, unlike perishable goods like food or livestock.
  • Scarcity: The process of making bricks was labor-intensive, which helped to maintain their value by preventing overproduction.
  • Storage: Bricks could be easily stored and transported, which made them practical for trade and commerce.
  • Divisibility: Bricks could be broken down into smaller units, allowing for flexibility in transactions.

While bricks as currency eventually gave way to more portable forms of money like coins and paper bills, they laid the foundation (pun intended!) for the development of modern monetary systems. 

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While it’s unlikely that bricks will make a comeback as a mainstream form of currency, there are some modern-day scenarios where they could potentially be used as a medium of exchange or store of value:

  • Localized barter economies: In small, self-sufficient communities, bricks could be used as a form of barter, especially if they are in high demand for construction projects.
  • Alternative currencies: Some communities create their own alternative currencies to promote local trade and economic activity. Bricks could potentially be incorporated into such systems, especially if they’re associated with a specific value or service.
  • Art and collectibles: One-of-a-kind or specially crafted bricks could hold value as art pieces or collectibles, similar to how rare coins or stamps are valued by collectors.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the widespread use of bricks as currency in today’s globalized economy is highly improbable due to their weight, lack of uniformity, and the availability of more convenient and widely accepted forms of money.

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So what if I made my own bricks? essentially creating value out of thin air, or more accurately, out of clay and hard work. While it’s not exactly “printing money” in the traditional sense, the idea of building a house out of self-made bricks could certainly be seen as a form of investment or value creation. 

You would be transforming raw materials into a tangible asset, your own house, which could potentially increase in value over time. Plus, there’s the added benefit of gaining valuable skills, like brick-making and construction, in the process. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the time, energy, and resources required to create enough bricks to build an entire house shouldn’t be underestimated. Also, there might be local building codes and regulations to consider. But hey, if you’re up for the challenge and have a vision for your dream brick house, it could be a rewarding endeavor!

Assisted by Pi

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