Planter Box at the Start of Autumn

At the request of my lovely wife Lydia, I got round to making my first planter box and as usual I got my design inspiration on Pinterest and found some boxes I liked,  I modified the design to suit the materials I had available.

I ought to give credit to my friends Chris and Marge who live in Chicago and grow their own vegetables each summer.  They have been a great inspiration to us and have helped me to get motivated.

Here’s the finished planter:

Raised Planter Comlete

Should we plant in rows or just plant anywhere?  In the end we went with the higgledy piggledy layout.

Planter with Sand

You should know it took me two Saturdays to complete this project,  and I collected the herbs and vegetables from Caboolture markets.  I layered the bed with mulch, sand, mulch, sand compost, mulch, sand,  so it will settle in time and soon I will need to ad more of something or another. The lady from whom I purchased the seedlings suggest that I may need to enrich the soil with chook poo pellets.  ( I will try get some at some point this week.)

Planter Box 01

I had some secondhand corrugated roofing and some old balustrades which I got from my place of work (a school).

It’s always hard to choose where to put them and how large they should be:  for example should they be a waist height or should you need to bend down sightly to get to the planter boxes.  (I’m not even sure why planter boxes are raised from the ground.)

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