Yanmar YM14 Diesel Tractor

The Yanmar YM14 2 is a versatile a two cylinder diesel tractor lawnmower, which was  manufactured in 1983.

My YM14 is the probably the most reliable ride on lawmaker I have ever owned although, sticky speaking the YM14 is a tractor not a lawnmower.

Yanmar YM14 photo 2018

The deck had been designed to be easily removed and reattached with just a few quick release clips and a bit of fiddling with the drive belt.

Unfortunately spare parts and replacements appear to present something of a problem to owners people living in Australia, (as I do), and I have been unable to find suitable suitable blades.

The Cutting Deck.

The 48″ inch cutting deck (i.e the blade mechanism) which cuts the grass is an impressive 48 Inches, and is made of 3 left hand turn blades, the blades turn anticlockwise which is different from most lawnmowers in australis,  (dare I say the world), which by convention are typically designed to turn and cut clockwise,

Left hand turn (anticlockwise) mower blades

Acquiring lawnmower blades to presents something of problem to me and (probably for most Yanmar YM14 owners), because you can’t simply retrofit fit similar brand, because if you did the cut grass cuttings would be pushed downwards and not up and outwards.

Plain simple flat mower blades works reasonably well, but certainly not as well as the original equipment would, i.ed using blades designed for the Yanmar PowerShift, the problem most Yanmar owners face is where on earth do you find and purchase new the cutting blades? ( if you know please tell me).

TractorData.com provides the following information about the Yanmar YM142

2 thoughts on “Yanmar YM14 Diesel Tractor”

  1. Szia!
    Én most vettem egy ym14-et Magyarországon, én sem találok semmi alkatrészt. Az enyémeők hiányoznak az ékszijak a kaszáról. Ha meg tudnád mondani a szijak méreteit , tipusát, linket, nagyon hálás volnék.
    Előre is köszönöm
    I just bought a ym14 in Hungary, I can’t find any parts either. Mine ones are missing the V-belts from the scythe. If you could tell me the size, type, link of the lanyards, I would be very grateful.
    Tie in advance

    • Hello Tamas, I’m very happy to help but I’m not sure what you mean by the v-belts and lanyards? Could you please send me a photo of what you mean. I may be able to upload a few more photos if that helps? Thanks, Roland


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