Traveled up to Pomona to see this Husqvarna LTH 1742, it wasn’t working so I took a chance on it, the chap I was buying it from was decent and honest and I felt fairly safe, he was not sure why it had stopped and thought it was the battery.

I brought it home and tried a few things to get it going:
I took of the old battery and placed it on charge, one or two of the cell were low on water so I topped up all the cells, the battery charger claimed that the battery was full, so I left it on Auto Charge and after a will it dropped to below 50% and started drawing about 4 amps, I have left it on charge all day, hopefully it will recover.
I connected a spare battery to see if it would turn, it was free, but reluctant to turn past the fist compress, and I needed to assist it by hand turning the flywheel as I turned the starter, she spun nicely very once I got past the fist compression but did not take. – Good
I took the spark plug out and checked for spark, there was plenty of spark, and of the engine turned very nicely once there was no compression to hold it back. – Good
I checked the fuel pump by taking of the off one the fuel hoses, and there was plenty of fuel. – Good
I had previously the oil before purchasing which was very clean, so I continued by checking the air filter and it was reasonably clean, although I plan to purchase and fit a new filter at some stage – Good
So having check the battery, the spark, and the fuel pump and air filter, it has to be the carburettor so I felt about the carburettor looking for clues. – Wondering what it could be.
I gave it another turn. It fired !! and ran slowly as first with a bit of smoke and then took very nicely and ran smoothly and perfectly. – Excellent
I fitted a new Delkor Battery, – purchased from the Local Husqvarna Dealer – $110
I replaced the Deck Engage Cable, (Deck Clutch Cable) – purchase from the local Husqvarna Dealer – $65
I feel that the Husqvarna is well made and easy to work on.
Spares parts are reasonably well priced, and easy to get hold of.
There is a bit of rust I need to clean up
The bull bar need to be secured, some of the bolt need to be replaced .
The mower cuts very well.