Fix One Thing Each Day

We all have things to do each day and we feel that we must do what we know before we make our lists that we simply could not do everything on the list because we have a finite amount of time available each day (and we don’t know how many days we have left) and we know deep within us that the free time that we do have available should be devoted to our families.

In my home, Havilah House, a Queenslander which has a a rate of decline, Queenslanders they recognised and are known in Australia require a significant amount of maintenance and attention.

Havilah House is also set on two acres of land which means quite simply that there is a an unending list of ongoing maintenance required to keep the home and land in reasonable condition, for example no matter how often I mow the lawn is going to begin growing the moment I park the lawnmower in the shed, branches are going to fall, and trees will need taking care of.

I also have a swimming pool, again this is a high maintenance feature, it’s fantastic when it works and the sun is shining, but at the best of times it requires a lot of maintenance and up keep.

This is a lengthy preamble to a post about fixing one thing a day but I want to ensure that the reader understood the background to my own thoughts of staying on top of things.

For me it’s a seemingly futile effort to:

Fix and repair things more quickly than they are breaking or falling into disrepair
Save more than I am earning (or earn more than I am spending)

I feel I am winning while I am fixing things quicker than they are breaking and if I am spending less than I am earning and I feel I am loosing while my list of things to fix and repair grows longer and longer.

Fixing one thing each day

Fix one thing a Day: At some point over the past 24 months I have come to realise that if I simply fix or repaire or created one thing each day I would be well on the way to making my home and environment a better place for my family and myself.

It does not have to be a big thing: for example I have a roll of felt and a tub of contact adhesive which simply want me to spend some time shaping and sticking to the underside for my furniture. This simple act would protect and take care of my hardwood timber floors.

Do things which will have long lasting ongoing benefits: For example I live on road which has become increasingly busy and therefore noisy over time and as the region grows, as so my solution is to plant trees, shrubs and hedges, these are still only 1.2m high but in 6 months (before Christmas) they will be 2m and in less than 24 months they will be 3m high and will form a noise barrier and be pleasing to the eye.

Solicit Help: I have been fortunate enough to acquire the help of a young man named John, who started out mowing my lawn after my ride on lawn mower broke. John looked a the mower and said he could fix it, and he did. John has since fixed or performed and maintained all my many vehicles. He does oil changes, light bulb fixes etc.

I have also been fortunate enough to be introduced to a Handy Man called Ian Mckee, the inscription on his truck read Ian Mckee from Mount Mee, Works like a Bee, Charges like a flea.

Both Ian and John require payment but they both are able to do more fixing and mending more easily and cheaply than I can do myself and because we work together on each of the projects we probably get more done together.

Fix One Thing Each Day

A few of my recent Pinterest Pins

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