Elastic Homes and Living

The terms “Elastic Home” or Elastic Housing” are terms I coined, and refers mainly to the idea that the home you live in should grow and shrink to meet the needs of your family as you journey through life.

Imagine for a moment that you were going camping with your family and your children asked if they could each bring a friend.  Would you argue that the camping arrangements were limited, or would you simply invite the friends and pitch a few additional tents?

Modern societies tend to build homes which have limited use, or which are not easily modified by ourselves, or which only suit certain size families and so when there is a requirement for change, often the only available option is to purchase a larger (or perhaps smaller) home.

Ideally, we ought to seek homes (or) build homes which readily accommodate changes to our circumstances, for example.

A member of our family might want to start a home business.  (Not easily done in an modern estate home.)  But if you were able to easily build a granny flat, this might no longer be a problem.

The term “Cabin” seams to best encompass the idea that although it’s permanent, it might still be flexible enough to be moveable. The term Cabin also seems to reflect the idea that it might not only be limited to a solitary dwelling but might be a “cluster of cabins.”

Choosing a name for this website presented me with something of a problem, since I wished the name to convey the idea of “small footprint living” but also retain the idea that “my home is my castle,” and as such might not necessarily be small or large.

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