
Toot Symbol

2023/12/18 08:55

A note for @publius : I listened to ASFO traveling to the beach yesterday and I thought your show was superb. I wonder if shows like these ought to have a much wider audience than &

We all know this stuff but it's refreshing to hear it so nicely commented on. - Thanks

Toot Symbol

2023/12/16 11:58

I guess it’s time for the dictator to learn how to use a dishwasher on Sunday at 0800 UTC

Toot Symbol

2023/12/16 11:47

Toot Symbol

2023/12/10 15:22

Probably gonna end up doing my show from my “crazy friends” house, I could easily do 10 shows on this fun lady. A pictures worth 1000 words.

Toot Symbol

2023/12/10 10:53

Good old classic long boards, if you think early 70’s only these are easier (actually, these are easier than any version of BSD whatsoever.

Just like yours truly, the benevolent dictator and emperor of the Banana Republic

Toot Symbol

2023/12/10 10:17

The Banana Republic on Sunday at oh 800 UTC better, still catch it in the archives during the week

Just another day at the beach, enjoying the fun things and life

Toot Symbol

2023/12/05 10:54

I live in heaven.

Toot Symbol

2023/12/05 10:41

A big shout out to @screwtape, always friendly and sociable and kind.

Such a nice online community at , hanging out, listening to at @Stokesource show live. There’s still 20 minutes left. is amazing.

Toot Symbol

2023/12/05 10:23

Hanging out with Catherine, listening to @stokesauce on -radio at the cafe/beach. He’s killing it. ❤️

Toot Symbol

2023/12/03 18:28

Here we go.

Toot Symbol

2023/12/03 17:36

You can see why I think this is a nice time to do my show, the days is almost over and I can take it easy for the reminder.

Toot Symbol

2023/12/03 17:08

If you can be there, be there to hear the banana Republic broadcasting from a cafe somewhere

Toot Symbol

2023/12/03 15:11

Banana Republic ! Citizens Vagabonds, Pirates, Rebels and Rioters your attendance is requested on Sunday at 0800 UTC, either in COM or later in the archives

Toot Symbol

2023/11/25 19:31

@tyn I'm very much enjoying your show dated 2023 11 24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ++

Yes, it does sound like the world is in a lock ?? ?

Toot Symbol

2023/11/12 07:49

Making an effort to eat healthy food

Toot Symbol

2023/11/11 08:41

Loving the crazy Indian music @tyn thank you, the old girl got to the beach safely. I’m getting rather strange looks with the music belting out of my chariot.

Toot Symbol

2023/11/11 07:36

I’m on the way to the beach about to tune in to @tyn followed by @snowdusk and followed by me. I suggest today’s show will be fun for everyone. It’s 30 minutes of listening at 0000 wont be on com bit at least not until I get to Noosa where I’ll do the show.

Toot Symbol

2023/11/08 03:56

Recently I used my Journal entries to write a statement, proving one more the value of regular journaling.

Toot Symbol

2023/11/07 10:15

@stokesauce is L I V E on the S T O K E S A U C E Radio Show

Only on at 00z00 UTC on Tuesday

Toot Symbol

2023/11/04 22:39

@publius Your Show dated October 31, 2023 was a Cerebral Delight!

Thank you for this challenging thoughtful presentation on "A Step Further Out" & The Man and Atom Society.

@publius @tob @tyn @snowdusk @ffog

Very fine listening - Thank you.

Toot Symbol

2023/11/04 22:23

One can only imagine my surprise this evening as I Iay soaking in the tub, ? catching up on previous episodes of ASFO by @publius, by which time I had fully taxed my brain by considering concerns like food and fuel supplies, the rising costs of grain globally and the impact of importing and transporting energy, ⚡️ when I heard my name referenced by @publius who continued to present an excellent and compelling argument explaining modern freedoms and liberty.