
This website is about Transportable Pod Homes, Small Cabins, Tiny Houses, Simple Living, Money Matters, DIY and Green Living and offers an encompassing look at the past, present and future of two friends doing life at opposite ends of the globe.

  • Information about Tiny Houses, Elastic Homes,
  • Living Off-The-Grid – “Off Grid Living”
  • Ideas about House Construction and Design
  • While it is both possible and necessary to simplify the way we live our lives in whichever situation we find ourselves, this website suggests that Architecture and Finances deeply impact our culture and explores ways of improving both.

    Transportable Pod Homes

    Transportable Pod Homes: They are a modular way of designing and paying for your home, as and when you need it, as your family grows.

    What if I told you that we don’t need to keep building and buying homes and housing the way we have the past 200 years? and that I could show you a way to design and build living spaces which might last 100’s of years instead of 20 or 30 years.

    You should never think of “transportable pod homes” as the cheaper alternative, because they are not.  They are instead a  modular way of designing and paying for your home, as and when you need it, as your family grows.

    Transportable Pod Homes are modern and architecturally deigned and made of the best and most traditional of materials,  hardwood timber, designer glass and steel,  stainless steel, copper, galvanised iron. ( they are never constructed of any temporary or “short life” fabrics like chalk board or plastics )

    Because an elastic home is only as big as you want it to be, you can also pay for it in as you grow you into your home, (or you may be able to avoid having a mortgage all together)

    An elastic house allows you to:

    • Buy your house with a longer term view.
    • Have the flexibility of Pay-as-you-go space.
    • Saves money through, smaller initial mortgage payments, which means that you can then afford to pay extra capital payments off the mortgage, (whist you don’t yet have family costs to bear). Meaning more of your house actually belongs to you, rather than the bank.
    • Everytime we trade up, we restart a mortgage, therefore we pay off non of the principle each time ( first seven years pays interest only) plus incurs estate agents fees, Transaction tax, legal fees, each time everyone gets a fat slice of your money.

    What you will find here

    • Information about Tiny Houses
    • Living Off-The-Grid – “Off Grid Living”
    • Ideas about House Construction and Design
    • Thoughts about Mortgage Free Living
    • Thoughts about “Living Simply”

    Tiny Houses and Small Cabins

    You will know by now: That this website is about Small Cabin, Tiny House, Dept Free Living, Off Grid Living and living outdoors.

    You should also know:  That I even though I’m not a very practical person, I intend to plan, design and build my own “small cabin” , my goal is to live mortgage free,  if this interests you have a look around this website and see what you think, I welcome your thoughts and comments, hopefully between us we will figure out to make these ideas work.

    You may also be interested in the following articles:

    Grow your own Home
    Elastic Homes
    What is a Transportable Pod Home?

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